
My friend, Sharon McCart, asked me a question and I thought I’d write a post about it. She asked, “How did you find a church in Spain to go to?” It strikes me that much of the process of being called to be and becoming a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries is a mysterious one, so I thought I would shed some light on it.

The short answer, Sharon, is… I didn’t. In the Spring of 2021, I contacted the GBGM about the possibility of returning to mission work. I had been feeling the yearning and was propelled to respond to the Spirit’s nudging to call and see if it was a possibility. After that initial phone call and instructions to fill out an application, I moved forward.

A few months later, I got a phone call from the GBGM with a placement possibility, doing social work in Rome. I wasn’t really qualified for that job (and the person who was placed there will be awesome!) But things were moving. Some days after I was introduced to the placement at La Siesta Evangelical Church in Alicante, Spain. They had submitted paperwork to the GBGM to acquire a missionary pastor and now they matched the position with me. Because of my experience with an international English-Speaking church in Hamburg, Germany, the GBGM determined I would be a good fit.

Then I met with the leaders of the synod and leaders of the church, and we all affirmed this was a good fit.

As a missionary, I offer myself to the mission of the church worldwide. The GBGM receives requests from various places and - with the Spirit’s guidance - matches openings with personnel.

For me, being a missionary involves giving up some control of my life and putting my faith in God’s work through the process. I do not decide where I would like to be sent, but God provides the opportunity and I go. There is an element of trust in the GBGM, faith that God will provide, and confidence in what God has done in my life thus far. I would have never guessed I’d work in Hamburg, Germany or in Alicante, Spain. But God provides.




visa, part 2