Leaving and Arriving.

Good morning from Torrevieja , Spain!

It has been three days since my arrival here in Spain and between sleeping off jet lag and trying to work out Po’s travel arrangements, I am adjusting to my new life and my new home. I thought I would give you an update on where I am, what is still in process and some reflections on the journey.

All went smoothly as I finished packing, made it to LAX, dealt with well-mannered passengers and polite and helpful flight attendants. Everyone was on good behavior, masked and trying to be patient and kind to one another. That was a relief after hearing horror stories about flying.

The flight from LAX to Madrid was about 11 hours, but it didn’t seem that long. Because it departed around 6PM, much of it was through the night. I slept a little, watched 2 terrible movies and mostly tried to get my head around the fact that I am moving to Spain. It might seem a little strange to say, but I didn’t really grasp the reality of it until I was here. 

I spent about 5 hours in the Madrid airport, mostly wandering around looking to exchange my money, drinking cappuccino, and napping in an airport chair. Then, after a 45 minute flight, I arrived in Alicante to a warm welcome of my new church people. 

I will do another post about my home here in Torrevieja and adjusting to my new life, schedule and duties.


Arrival pictures!


For the love of Po.