Missionary Coffee Break - April 19th

Join us for a Zoom gathering with GBGM Missionary Krista S. Givens on April 19, 2023 at 9:00AM (Pacific Standard Time)
That is 12:00 noon on the US East Coast and 6:00PM in Spain.

Meeting ID: 857 2356 9251
Password: GBGM

Click here to join meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85723569251?pwd=cEU1VGxOaUg5cFB0eVlZTHdaMUcvZz09

We will welcome special guest Rev. Courtney M. Randall, GBGM Mission Advocate for the Western Jurisdiction. Courtney has been connecting local churches in the Western Jurisdiction with global missionaries, creating partnerships in the work of Christ throughout the world. Join us for a casual conversation and a cup of coffee!


Coffee Break follow up


Holy Week Devotions - Easter Sunday