Paperwork, etc.

I am so close……

The amount of paperwork to obtain my Spanish work visa is fairly impressive. When I arrived at my first appointment with the Spanish Consulate in December, it was brought to my attention that I had prepared the wrong documents for the wrong visa. I was given instructions on what to prepare and sent away to make another appointment. At the second appointment in January, I was told I was “on the right track” with my paperwork, but I needed a medical certificate and the authenticated background check from the State Department of Justice. So I went about trying to obtain those two documents before my next appointment in February.

I thought I had it all: the medical certificate was simple thanks to Kaiser and my doctor and I had completed the prerequisites for the DOJ background check. I just had to wait for it in the mail and get it authenticated.

I finally got the DOJ paperwork in the mail and went to drop it off to have it authenticated…. and it was returned to me because it did not have a “wet signature.”

So now I am working to get the proper document with the proper wet signature to have it authenticated. Then I will be ready for my appointment in February….

Isn’t the saying “Good things come to those who wait?” I hope so.


First Covenant Partner!


“Being Human Together”: A sermon for 1/16/22