Summer in Spain

Hello friends! Greetings to you, at the end of a very warm August in Spain. Summer is a unique experience in our congregation, as many of our expats travel back to cooler climates in the UK and those of us who remain are very discerning about leaving the comfort of our air conditioning. For example, a typical day has Po and I traveling to the park in the morning, then sequestering ourselves inside during the day, then making another trip to the park when the sun goes down. Being a Southern California native, I have grown up with temperatures above the high-90*s of our Spanish summer, but the humidity makes everything less bearable. Today the high will be 92 degrees Fahrenheit , but the humidity is 78%!

Summer has been a struggle for Po. In late July she developed a bad bladder infection and once that was starting to improve, she developed a gastrointestinal infection. We have been dealing with antibiotics, a special diet that is kind to her digestive system and finding new ways to hide pills in peanut butter, cheese and various meats. One of the blessings of the summer has been the discovery of a nearby park that has actual GRASS . Her favorite time is the day is the evening when she can lay down and watch the world from the comfort of the cool grass.

Summer time in the church is fairly quiet, as we take a hiatus from our regular meetings, which includes Bible Study, Choir rehearsals and Committee meetings. Those will all begin again in September.

Wishing you a blessed end-of-summer from Spain,



Coffee Break - Sept. 14


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