Week 1: Adjusting

I have now been in my new post for one week.

I arrived to a very warm welcome from my new church people who met me at the airport, holding signs and smiling behind their masks! It was a delight to finally be together after 2 months of waiting on a visa. They have gone above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and welcome.

That night was my first in my new home in Torrevieja. My little bungalow is a sweet place with a lemon tree and an orange tree at the entrance to greet you. I have international neighbors on my block and around the way is an entry to the park, where Po and I will explore. It is a 2-story house with 3 bedrooms - 2 on the main floor and the main bed/bath on the second floor. The house has a ground-level deck, a second story deck and a top deck. I have unpacked what I have and am awaiting my shipment’s arrival at the end of the month to fully “Krista-cize” my new home.

Most of the week has been dealing with jet lag (taking long naps and feeling fatigued), shopping for essentials (dish soap, hangers, scissors, etc), getting a Spanish SIM card and scheduling Wi-Fi installation, and getting a bank account.

I am excited to begin working with the community in this new place. I am still in the process of meeting people and sharing goals and listening for God. I had one meeting last week and various gatherings of church people helping me to get what I need and introduce me to the ways of the church.

Next week, Po arrives!


Worship - March 13, 2022


Arrival pictures!