
The month of July ushered in an amazingly unprecedented heatwave across Europe. We are in the midst of temperatures topping high 30’s and in some place, up to 40*C. The heatwave spans from Spain and Portugal through France and up to the UK, all areas that are unaccustomed to such temperatures. Moreover, Europe’s infrastructure is not equipped to deal with such temperatures. News reports detailed the landing strip melting at Gatwick Airport!

Thankfully, Po and I live in a microclimate near the Mediterranean Sea and so we are consistently about 5*C cooler than the interior, but Europe was not “made for this” heat. Po and I are mostly hibernating in a dark house with fans and one air conditioning unit. We take our walks in the morning, before the pavement heats up and then we hide the rest of the day.

We are keeping our eyes on the wildfires in Malaga (not too far from us) and on all those affected by the heat and the fires. Prayers appreciated.


Finishing up July


June Newsletter