new year, new blog
This blog began as a missionary tool - a way to connect with those who are interested in my work as a missionary. I would document what was happening in the church, the ways the congregation was growing, my travels as a GBGM missionary and interactions with those I was fortunate enough to call colleagues, congregants and friends.
As I transition from GBGM missionary pastor in Spain to newly-appointed pastor of North Hollywood First UMC, I did not renew the blog subscription. I was no longer a missionary, so why would I need a missionary blog? But several people asked me about it… “What happened to your blog?” It had become a way to share reflections of my life with people I’d met along the way. What I’d intended it to be (a blog from a faraway pastor) became something else (a blog about the life I lead, reflections on that life and photos of the work I’m engaged with. I am fortunate to live the life I do, and perhaps this blog is a way to keep in touch with those I’ve met along the way, those who now live far away from me.