Summer -izing August

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog. For that I am sorry. My only excuse is that I was in India for the month of August, representing my “side-project” (or passion-project, more accurately) Friends of Padhar Schools. I have been involved in the work of supporting schools in rural India since 2008 and this was my first trip since January of 2020. I have blogged in more detail about the trip on the Friends of Padhar Schools website, if you are interested . But I thought I would do a bit of a summary…. or rather a “summer-y” of my summertime activities.

One of the many reasons, I was open to the position here in Torrevieja, Spain, was it’s proximity to India, thinking it would be easier/quicker to get to India from Spain. The trip was actually only a few hours quicker than traveling from Los Angeles - due to flight schedules and layovers - but the benefit was that I had NO JET LAG once I got to my destination. This really helped because I had such a busy schedule and did not have to spend the first few days adjusting to the time zone. (In Spain, we are 3 1/2 hours behind.)

I visited eleven schools while in India, including eight schools we are currently sponsoring and three potentials. All the schools are located on the borders of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, in a rural and economically-challenged areas. Our fundraising helps provide scholarships for girls and young women, support for teachers ‘ salaries, and funding for necessary equipment (books and school supplies, water purification systems, computers, desks and benches and school vehicles.)

I also had the opportunity to meet with friends and partners in the work and revive my energy and passion for the work. I am blessed to have such a call from God that allows me to serve in a variety of ways. It is a blessing.


Autumn Update


Finishing up July