
It was announced yesterday in worship that I will return to the United States and to the California Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church at the conclusion of my 3-year contract as a GBGM missionary to La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja. My contract with GBGM will conclude on December 31, 2024, but due to the requirement for itineration, I will leave Spain in November of 2024 and during the month of December, I will be visiting churches in America who have supported our work, to encourage their continued support of a new missionary at La Siesta.

Po and I have been blessed by our time in La Siesta and we shall miss the loving community and the warm support of our friends here in Spain. I am filled with gratitude to God for our time together and for this opportunity to serve God and God's people and I know God will provide someone who will love and serve this community well.

Please keep us all in your prayers, during this time of transition: the congregation of La Siesta Evangelical Church, the leaders of the GBGM, the Spanish Protestant Church, the Levante Presbytery, the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church and me. Transitions are difficult for everyone even as we trust that God has a hand in our lives. I pray we will continue to listen to God's direction as we move forward.


Holy Week 2024 - Palm Sunday


Last day together