Worshipping together

Sunday morning worship was an event! We gathered in our expanded meeting room with the two congregations of United Methodists in Bogota. These two church communities hosted us missionaries and GBGM staff, led us in singing, and celebrated our common faith. We were joined by two bishops: Bishop Bickerson, who is now serving as the president of the Council of Bishops and Bishop Luis Andrés Caicedo, who serves as the Bishop of the methodist Church in Colombia.

A few comments and observations:

The worship began with building the altar, and folks brought forward various objects to represent who we are. Included was the Colombian flag, the LGBT pride flag and the Transgender flag. The atmosphere was one of inclusion and love for all.

Pastor Nataly wins the prize for best clergy outfit! With her clergy collar, long full skirt and bright white sneakers, she is a clergywoman on the go!

Although many of us didn’t speak (fluent) Spanish, we were made to feel welcome with simultaneous translation equipment and a general feeling that we are all in this struggle together.


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